Church Constitution

April 2012



Trinity Lutheran Church

Nashville, Illinois


Whereas the Word of God requires that in all congregations all things are done “decently and in order”, (1 Corinthians 14:40 and Colossians 2:5) and whereas by a resolution duly made at the regular Voter’s Meeting of this congregation on November 16, 2011, the constitution is to be amended and revised. Therefore, it was unanimously resolved, on April 25, 2012, to declare our old constitution repealed, null and void, and to accept this present document as the congregation’s constitution, by which our congregation is to be regulated and the management of our internal and external congregational affairs is to be determined.

Article I - Name

The name of our church and congregation shall be Trinity Lutheran Church of Nashville, Illinois.

Article II – Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is:

  • Seeking a deeper knowledge of God’s Word

  • Serving God and Others

  • Reaching out with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ

Article III – Confessional Standard

The congregation acknowledges and accepts all the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and acknowledges and accepts all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, to be true and genuine exposition of the doctrines of the Bible. These Symbolical Books are:

  • The three Ecumenical Creeds

  • The Apostolic Creed

  • The Nicene Creed

  • The Athanasian Creed

  • The Unaltered Augsburg Confession and the Apology of the same

  • The Smalcald Articles

  • Luther’s Large and Small Catechisms

  • The Formula of Concord

Article IV – Synodical Membership

In order to do the Lord’s work more efficiently and also beyond the confines of our parish, this congregation maintains voting membership in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, as long as said synod adheres to the confessional basis detailed in Article III above. As a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, we pledge ourselves to participate in its meetings and in its deliberations as well as to help to bear its burdens.

Article V – Congregational Membership

No one can be or become a member, still less an officer in this congregation, or participate in any rights of membership, except him who:

  • is baptized

  • Acknowledges all the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament as the only divine rule and standard of faith life.

  • At least knows and acknowledges the Augsburg Confession and Luther’s Small Catechism (while he may perhaps be yet deficient in the knowledge of the collective Symbolical Books before named in Article III)

  • Does not live in manifest works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), but maintains a Christian deportment.

  • Submits to the church regulations which have been or which may be hereafter mutually established, provided they are not contrary to the Word of God.

  • Permits himself to be corrected in brotherly love when he has erred.

  • Receives the Lord’s Supper frequently when confirmed and of adult age.

  • Is not a member of any ungodly organization or secret society (as, for example, certain lodges) which are contrary to Christian principles or which conflict with the Word of God.

Article VI – Admission of New Members of the Congregation

Persons intending to join this congregation shall give notice of such intention to the pastor, together with satisfactory evidence of their qualifications for membership. The names of all such applicants shall be announced at a regular meeting of the congregation; and if no protests has been entered and sustained at (or before) the meeting, the applicant shall be received into baptized or communicant membership by unanimous vote. Each member / family is to be given a copy of the constitution when joining the congregation so that they may read the constitution before requesting to be a member of the ‘voting membership’ of this congregation.

Article VII – Rights of Suffrage

The right of suffrage, also known as the right to vote, shall belong to those communicant members of the congregation who have arrived at the age of eighteen and who have been received into voting membership by this congregation. They must also subscribe to the regulations of this congregation as written in the Constitution, the By-Laws, Church Policies, and Position Descriptions, and state this by signing the Voter’s Registration Book which is kept by the Secretary of the Congregation for this Purpose.

Article VIII – Obligations and Duties of Members

It shall be the duty of every member of the congregation to:

  • Accept and receive readily and willingly all the ministrations of the Holy Ministry and the personal admonitions.

  • To announce properly for the Lord’s Supper before partaking in the Sacrament (which may be done in person or by a member of the family, or by signing the attendance sheet).

  • To contribute according to his ability, as the Lord Prescribes (I Corinthians 16:2), towards the maintenance of the church and school and in general to assist in bearing the burdens of the congregation.

  • To enroll their children, if at all possible, in the congregation’s Parochial School and Sunday School, or otherwise to provide for the instruction of their children in the pure Christian Doctrine.

Any member neglecting to fulfill these duties is to be admonished in a kind and fraternal manner according to Matthew 18:15-20

Article IX– Excommunication and withdrawal from Congregations

Church discipline in this congregation is to be exercised in strict conformity with Matthew 18:15-20. If any member of the congregation shall, after fruitless application of the several grades of admonition prescribed by the Word of God, be excluded from the congregation, he shall thereby lose all of the rights of a member and all the rights to the property of the congregation as such, so long as he is not again received into the congregation.

            What is stated above shall also apply in reference to those members who voluntarily withdraw from connection with the congregation or who bring about withdrawal by moving away if they thereby annul their connection with the congregation by:

  • Becoming godless

  • Becoming inactive in the worship and work of the church, and

  • Joining a different denomination.

Article X– Congregational Worship

In the public worship of this congregation, none but pure Lutheran forms are to be used. (Thus also, in the parochial school, beside the Holy Scriptures and Luther’s Small Catechism, such books only as are purely Lutheran shall be introduced and used for instruction in Christian doctrine.)

            In Trinity Lutheran Church the called ministers of Christ shall ordinarily deliver the sermons. Permission for a guest speaker to preach in this church shall be granted by the senior pastor of this congregation who shall consult with the Board of Elders and/or the voting membership of this congregation.

            No regularly scheduled service of this congregation shall be dropped permanently without the consent of the voting membership of this congregation, or in cases of emergency, with the consent of the Board of Elders.

Article XI– Congregational Property

All the property of the congregation is committed to the successive Trustees elected by the congregation in such a manner that they are to manage the same as the property belonging to other persons, but entrusted to them to conclude contracts in reference to it, to sign documents, to appear before court, and to carry out all transactions which the congregation as possessor would himself have to do, yet in such a manner that they are not authorized to dispose of these goods according to their own will and opinion, but to carry out the said transaction only according to authentic resolutions and orders of the congregation. For that which the Trustees do upon the resolution and in obedience to the order of the congregation, the latter has to be responsible with the goods, and ever to secure the Trustees against injury; but, on the other hand, if the Trustees arbitrarily manage the congregation’s property without resolution of the congregation, according to their own will, they personally are held responsible for the same to the congregation.

Article XII– Title of Property in Case of Separation

Should a division arise in the congregation (may God graciously prevent this) the property and all the interest connected therewith shall belong to those members of it who steadfastly acknowledge the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and, agreeable to this, require the ministers and teachers of this congregation to be bound to the collective Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (See Article III of this Constitution)

Article XIII– Congregational Power and Authority

The Congregation as a body has the highest power in the management of all the internal and external ecclesiastical and congregational affairs. No arrangement or decision for the congregation or for church members as such has any validity, whether it proceed from an individual or from a body within the congregation, if it is not made in the name of the congregation and according to the general and particular authority given the congregation. That which is arranged or decided by individuals or smaller groups in the name and by the authority of the congregation may at any time be brought before the congregation as the higher tribunal for the final decision. But not even the congregation shall be empowered to order, enact, arrange or decide anything contrary to the Word of God and the Symbols of the Lutheran Church. Any such ordinance, enactment, arrangement or decision shall be null and void.

Article XIV – Duties of Pastors and Teachers

Section 1 – General Qualifications

The Pastoral office in this congregation shall be conferred upon such ministers only who profess their acceptance of and adherence to all the Canonical Books of the Old and the New Testament as the inspired Word of God and all the Symbols of the Evangelical Lutheran Church enumerated in Article III of this constitution. Pastors as well as Teachers shall be pledged to the same by the call extended to and accepted by them.

Section 2 – Specific Duties of Pastors

All pastors of this congregation are pledged to:

  • Teach the Word of God in its truth and purity in conformity to the named Symbols in Article III of this constitution

  • Administer the Sacraments according to the institution of Christ and according to the practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

  • Take under his pastoral care the sick and afflicted with all faithfulness, and according to their spiritual needs and comfort and admonish them with and according to the Word of God.

  • Conscientiously impart confirmation instruction

  • Show a helpful and sympathetic interest in the cause and work of the parish school, Sunday school, and organizations of this congregation.

  • Abide by, and conform to the ‘Solemn Agreement’ as it exists between the St. John New Minden and Trinity Nashville congregations.

  • Act as an ex-officio member of all committees and boards.

  • With a godly life, be an example to the entire congregation.

Section 3 – Specific Duties of Teachers

All teachers of this congregation are pledged to:

  • Teach the Word of God in its truth and purity in conformity to the named Symbols in Article III of this constitution

  • Conscientiously impart instruction in the Word of God and in such secular branches of learning as the State shall require.

  • Maintain Christian discipline and order both in the classrooms and on the playgrounds.

  • Show a helpful and sympathetic interest in the cause and work of the Sunday school, and organizations of this congregation.

  • Abide by, and conform to the ‘Solemn Agreement’ as it exists between the St. John New Minden and Trinity Nashville congregations.

  • With a godly life, be an example to the entire congregation.

Article XV– Election of Pastors and Teachers

The right to call, to elect, or to receive the minister or ministers, the teacher or teachers, and all other officers of the congregation shall always belong to the congregation as a body and shall never be delegated to an individual or to a minor body or circle within the congregation.

Article XVI– Removal from Office

The Pastor or Pastors, the Teacher or Teachers, and all other officers of this congregation may in Christian and lawful order be removed from office. Sufficient cause for deposing such officers are:

  • Persistent adherence to false doctrine

  • Scandalous life, and

  • Willful neglect of office and duties.

    Removal from office must first be considered by the church council, which shall appoint two or more of its members to consult with the person in question. If no satisfactory solution is achieved, a special meeting of the Church Council shall be held at which all parties shall have the opportunity to be heard. Upon approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Church Council members present and voting, the request for removal shall be presented to a duly called meeting of the Voter’s Assembly for final action which will require two-thirds majority vote for removal from office.

Article XVII – Officers and Committees

Section 1 – Congregational Officers

The officers of this congregation shall be:

  • < >< >< >< >

    Board of Elders

  • Board of Christian Education

  • Board of Family Life Ministry

  • Board of Trustees

  • Board of Finance

  • Board of Stewardship

  • Board of Missions and Outreach

  • Board of Endowment Funds

  • Section 2 – Congregational Committees

  • Membership Committee

  • < >

    Cemetery Committee

Section 3 – Other Committees

  • Committee of Ushers

  • Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Association

Section 4 – Church Council

Members of the church council shall consist of:

  • < >< >< >< >

    Representative of the Board of Elders

  • Representative of the Board of Christian Education

  • Representative of the Board of Trustees

  • Representative of the Board of Finance

  • Representative of the Board of Family Life Ministry

  • Representative of the Board of Stewardship

  • Representative of the Board of Missions and Outreach

  • Representative of the Board of Endowment Funds

  • Pastors as ex-officio members

  • Principle as an ex-officio member


  • A representative of the congregational committees, however, shall have the right to meet with the church council whenever they feel a need or have a desire to do so.

A Quorum for a Church Council meeting shall be 51% of those persons elected to the Church Council and a quorum is required to conduct Church Council business.

Duties of the Church Council shall be as follows:

  • Meet regularly to review Congregational Issues

  • The Church Council shall see that resolutions passed by the Voter’s Assembly are duly carried out

  • Review Church Council Meeting minutes from previous meeting

  • Review all congregational finances reported by the Treasurer

  • Approve / review bills presented by the Treasurer

  • Appoint a temporary Treasurer in the event of a serious illness of the Treasurer. An election to confirm the filling of this position may be held at the next regularly scheduled Voter’s Meeting.

  • Arrange / approve the agenda for each regularly scheduled Voter’s Meeting.

  • Receive reports and action requests from all Boards and Committees and determine urgency and / or need for addition of item to the next Voter’s Meeting agenda.

  • Conform to the Congregational Power and Authority as stated in Article XIII and XVIII.

  • Report decisions and actions taken at Council Meetings to the Voter’s Assembly.

  • Hire non-certified Church employees

Article XVIII– Authority of Officers and Committee Members

The successive officers and committee members of this congregation have no more power in this congregation than is given to them and have it only so far and so long as they are commissioned with it by this congregation. The instructions given them by the congregation may at any time be altered or abolished by proper resolution of the congregation.

Article XIX– Nominations and Elections

Section 1 – Nominations

Only those who have been voting members of the congregation for one year or more shall be eligible to be nominated to serve as officers or members of boards that appear in Article XVII, Section 1 and 2 of this Constitution.

            The nomination of officers and committeemen shall be made by a nominating committee consisting of the Church Council and a member of the Membership Committee. This committee should, when possible, nominate two candidates for each office and elected committee position. As this committee considers names for nominations they need to consider the qualifications and experience needed for each position. The nominating committee shall personally contact each nominee to accept the nomination. Then, they shall present the list of such candidates to the congregation in the regular July Voters’ meeting. In its own meeting, the nominating committee should make nominations for all officers listed under Article XVII, Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Constitution. Two nominees should be selected for all positions to be filled. At the July Voters’ Meeting however, any voting member of the congregation shall have the right to nominate any other member in good standing as a candidate for any elected office or committee. If positions still need to be filled, the nominating committee will continue to seek candidates until the October Voters’ Meeting.

            Unless deemed altogether unavoidable by the nominating committee, no name shall appear for more than one elected position in the offices or on the committees listed under Article XVII, Sections 1 and 2 of this Constitution.

            Women may be nominated to serve as officers and as members of the boards and committees as long as these positions are not directly involved in the specific functions of the pastoral office (preaching, the public administration of the sacraments, church discipline) and as long as this service does not violate the order of creation (usurping authority over men). Accordingly, they shall not serve as Pastor, Elder, or President or Vice President of the congregation.

Section 2 – Elections

The election of officers and committee members shall take place annually at the regular quarterly meeting of the voters in the month of October

            All elections must be by ballot

            An absolute majority is necessary for the election of any officer or committee member, but, if after the first ballot no absolute majority is obtained, all nominees shall be dropped except the two receiving the highest number of votes during the first ballot, and these two shall be voted upon again.

            All officers and committee members specified in this Constitution under Article XVII, Section 1 and 2 shall serve until their successors assume office on the date of the installation of officers following the October election.

            If in the course of the year a vacancy occurs or an additional office or committee is created, and election to fill the new position or the vacancy may be held at the next regularly scheduled Voters’ Meeting.

Article XX – Duties of the President

The president of the congregation shall be elected for a term of two years. The president shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. The terms of the president shall alternate with the terms of vice-president so that both are not elected in the same year.

It shall be the duty of the president to:

  • Act as the general executive officer of the congregation and of the church council.

  • To preside at all meetings of the congregation and of the church council

  • To direct the proceedings of each in accordance with this constitution using Robert’s Rules of Order when it is feasible to do so.

  • To call special meetings of the congregation and of the church council when such meetings are requested and deemed necessary.

  • It shall be the president’s duty to appoint a Long Range Planning Committee and to see that a Long Range Plan is developed with input from all boards and committees and that this plan is reviewed annually. The long range plan should be reported on to the Voter’s Assembly annually.

  • The president furthermore shall see that resolutions passed by the voters’ assembly are duly carried out.

  • The president shall be an ex-officio member of all congregational committees and boards.

  • The president shall do whatever else the congregation may direct from time to time.

Article XXI – Duties of the Vice-President

The vice-president of the congregation shall be elected for a term of two years. The vice-president shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. The terms of the vice-president shall alternate with the terms of president so that both are not elected in the same year.

It shall be the duty of the vice-president to:

  • Perform all the duties of the president in case of his absence or disability

  • In case of the removal, transfer, death or expulsion of the president, the vice-president shall succeed him in his office as president for the remainder of the term. This partial term will count as the first of two possible consecutive terms.

  • The vice-president shall also be the chairman of the nominating committee and shall present the slate of nominations at the July meeting of the Voter’s Assembly.

Article XXII – Duties of the Secretary

The secretary of the congregation shall be elected for a term of two years. The secretary shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. The terms of the secretary shall alternate with the terms of treasure so that both are not elected in the same year. If in the course of the term of office, a vacancy occurs, an election to fill the vacancy may be held at the next regularly scheduled Voter’s Meeting. This partial term will count as the first of two possible consecutive terms.

The secretary shall:

  • Keep a careful record of all transactions of the meetings of the congregation and of the church council in books provided for this purpose.

  • Keep a correct list of the voting members and the Voter’s Registration book.

  • Sign such papers as require his/her signature.

  • Conduct all correspondence of the congregation not otherwise provided for.

  • Do whatever else may be required of him/her by the congregation from time to time.

Article XXIII – Duties of the Treasurer

The treasurer of the congregation shall be elected for a term of two years. The treasurer shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. The terms of the treasurer shall alternate with the terms of secretary so that both are not elected in the same year. If in the course of the term of office, a vacancy occurs, an election to fill the vacancy may be held at the next regularly scheduled Voter’s Meeting. This partial term will count as the first of two possible consecutive terms. An individual may serve a third consecutive term only if all of the following requirements are met:

  • No willing and suitable candidate is found to be nominated for the election.

  • The congregation chairman requests the outgoing treasurer to accept an appointment to serve a term of two years as interim treasurer.

  • The outgoing treasurer is willing to accept such an appointment.

  • The appointment is confirmed by the voters.

    Any individual having served two years in the capacity of interim treasurer shall be eligible for nomination and election to the office of treasurer for the following term and if elected, would then be eligible once again to serve two consecutive elected terms.

The treasurer shall:

  • Receive all monies collected or borrowed by the congregation and/or Trinity-St. John Lutheran School.

  • All monies and commercial papers of the congregation and/or Trinity-St. John Lutheran School as such shall be kept and disbursed by the treasurer.

  • Shall utilize the software furnished by Trinity Congregation (currently ‘Church Windows’) and keep an account of all amounts received and disbursed and shall keep such accounts in both, hard (printed) copy and backup (software) which shall be updated monthly and stored in the Church Vault and remain the property of the congregation.

  • Shall render a detailed report at each regular Voter’s Meeting of the congregation as well as at special congregational meetings when such an additional report is required.

  • Shall render a detailed report at each regular Council Meeting as well as at special Council meetings when such an additional report is required.

During a serious illness of the treasurer, the books and papers and other valuable articles in his/her keeping, which belong to the congregation, shall be taken into custody by any person whom the Church Council may appoint for this purpose.

Should a vacancy occur in this office, the vacancy shall be filled as stipulated in Article XIX, Section 2 of this Constitution.

Article XXIV– Duties of the Board of Elders

The Board of Elders shall consist of at least three members or one Elder per one hundred communicant members.

            The members of the Board of Elders shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the terms of no more than half of the number of elders expire in a given year. Elders cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms.

            The Board of Elders will elect a chairman and a secretary from amongst themselves annually. The Chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend church council meetings.

            The duties of the Elders shall be:

  • To assist the pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation including assistance in communion, liturgy, and other pastoral functions as necessary.

  • To assist the pastor with their counsel in difficult ministerial cases and further his ministry.

  • To consider complaints and grievances of members of the congregation if Matthew 18:15-16 has been fully observed, and they shall report to the congregation those which cannot be adjusted in accordance with Matthew 18:17-18.

  • To make every effort to induce members who have been negligent in their attendance of services, in the use of the Sacraments, and financial support of the church, to mend their sinful ways and fully enjoy the given rights and privileges of their membership.

  • To assist the pastor in arranging for pulpit assistance, special services, and guest speakers.

  • To be concerned with adequate and thorough instruction of adults and youth for confirmation.

  • To examine all requests for transfer, for release, and all requests for membership, and to recommend to the Voters what action should be taken upon on those requests.

  • To serve as a nominating committee when the congregation is to call a pastor and in conjunction with the Board of Christian Education in calling a teacher.

  • To endeavor to reconcile conflict and strife within the congregation.

  • To ensure orderly worship and instruct in church protocol.

  • To be an example of Christian conduct and life.

Article XXV– Board of Christian Education (adopted 2002)

The Board of Christian Education shall consist of at least three members.

            The members of the Board of Christian Education (BOCE) shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the terms of no more than half of the number of BOCE members expire in a given year. The BOCE members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

            The duties of the Board of Christian Education shall be as follows.

  • To organize, manage, supervise and promote all educational activities of this congregation in the parish school.

  • To be concerned especially about religious instruction given in the parish school.

  • To see to it that the secular branches, required by the county and state, be taught in the parish school.

  • To see to it that good Christian discipline is maintained in the parish school.

  • To execute such resolutions as the congregation may adopt in educational matters.

  • To consider and act upon changes in the course of study, textbooks, equipment, and existing school regulations in conjunction with the education leaders and if deemed expedient, in conjunction with the Voters’ Assembly.

  • To see to it that the necessary instructional aides are purchased, the BOCE being allowed, without special congregational permissions, to spend up to a certain amount, which shall be stipulated from time to time by the Voters.

  • To see that health and safety regulations, as set up by the state, be observed in our parish school.

  • To visit the parish school of the congregation as often as possible during the year, either as a body or as individuals.

  • To cooperate with the parish school teachers and parents, proceeding in a Christian manner according to the principles laid down in Matthew 18.

  • To look after the temporal welfare of the parish school teachers and make recommendations to the congregation regarding the same.

  • To cooperate with the Family Life Ministry Board to encourage parents to send their children to worship, and to the Parish School and Sunday School.

The BOCE may provide a substitute for any teacher who is incapacitated because of illness or injury.

The BOCE may, in cases of necessity, grant the principle permission to close school for a time.

Article XXVI– Board of Family Life Ministry (adopted 2002)

The Board of Family Life Ministry shall consist of at least three members.

            The members of the Board of Family Life Ministry shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the terms of on more than half of the number of board members expire in a given year. The board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

            The Board of Family Life Ministry will elect a chairman from amongst themselves annually. The chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend Church Council meetings.

            The duties of the Board of Family Life Ministry shall be as follows:

  • To organize, manage, supervise and promote educational activities of the congregation in the areas of Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Youth Ministry, and any other associated programs with the exception of the Parish School.

  • To see to it that good Christian discipline is maintained in the educational agencies of the congregation.

  • To execute such resolutions as the congregation may adopt in educational matters.

  • To see to it that the necessary instructional aides are purchased, the Board of Family Life Ministry being allowed without special congregational permission to spend up to a certain amount, which shall be stipulated from time to time by the Voters.

  • To visit the Sunday school and other educational activities, with the exception of the Parish School, of the congregation as often as possible during the year, either as a body or as individuals.

  • To cooperate with the Sunday School Superintendent in encouraging parents to send their children to Sunday school regularly, and to attend worship.

  • To listen to complaints of both teachers and parents, proceeding in a Christian manner according to the principles laid down in Matthew 18.

Article XXVII – Duties of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall consist of six members. The members of the Board of Trustees shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the terms of no more than half of the number of trustees expire in a given year. The Trustees shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

The Board of Trustees will elect a chairman from amongst themselves. The chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend Church Council Meetings.

The duties of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:

  • Represent the congregation in all suits at law and shall transact all business involving upon the congregation as an incorporated body. In all such matters the trustees shall act only in accordance with the instruction and resolutions of the congregation. (See Article XI of this Constitution).

  • Conscientiously carry out all resolutions referring to the properties and ground of the congregation, such as making contracts, borrowing money, employing workmen, etc…

  • See to it that the buildings are kept in good repair and that the property as a whole presents a neat appearance.

  • Inspect all buildings periodically and regularly make proper recommendations to the voters, or give orders for immediate repairs if necessary.

  • See to it that the deeds and other valuable and important papers of the congregation be kept securely, also receipts, expired contracts, minutes, etc. which are no longer of immediate usefulness to the congregation and its officers, when work is to be done on the property, and the help of other members is called for, the trustees shall be held responsible to supervise the work, and see to it that all buildings of the congregation are sufficiently insured. They shall make recommendation to the voters whenever they deem the insurance insufficient. Ordinary repairs and operating expenses may be made by the trustees without consulting the congregation for permission.

  • Report accomplishments and/or projects at quarterly voter’s meetings.

Article XXVIII – Duties of the Finance Board

The Finance Board shall consist of at least six members.

The members of the Board of Finance shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the terms of no more than one-third of the number of members of the board expire in a given year. The board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

The Board of Finance will elect a chairman and team leaders who will appoint whatever other members it deems necessary for efficient work, annually. The Chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend Church Council meetings.

The duties of the Board of Finance shall be as follows:

  • Give attention to all financial questions related to the work of the congregation.

  • Labor for a good system in financial affairs as well as for the elimination of debts, in coordination with the Stewardship Board.

  • Distribute the envelopes at the beginning of each New Year. (Delete the following) and shall visit new members, explaining to them the financial arrangements of this congregation.

  • See to it that financial statements are issued at least annually.

  • Make a report to every regularly called Voter’s Meeting and shall embody such matters in its reports as will well depict the financial situation of the congregation.

Article XXIX –Duties of the Board of Stewardship

The Board of Stewardship shall consist of at least three members.

            The members of the Board of Stewardship shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the term of no more than half of the number of board members expire in a given year. The board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

            The Board of Stewardship will elect a chairman from amongst themselves. The chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend the Church Council meetings.

            The duties of the Board of Stewardship shall be as follows:

  • To promote a Scriptural, first-fruit, proportionate use of time, talents and treasures among all congregational members.

  • To endeavor to enlist the financial support of all communicant members for the work of God’s kingdom through the congregation and beyond.

  • To sponsor topics, articles, letters, seminars and campaigns that keep stewardship before the members on a regular basis.

Article XXX – Duties of the Board of Missions and Outreach

The Board of Missions and Outreach shall consist of at least three members.

            The members of the Board of Missions and Outreach shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the term of no more than half of the number of board members expire in a given year. The board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

            The Board of Missions and Outreach will elect a chairman from amongst themselves. The chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend the Church Council meetings.

            The duties of the Board of Missions and Outreach shall be as follows:

  • To keep the congregation informed of mission opportunities, mission trips or special outreach needs in the community, district and synod.

  • To promote and assist in organizing a mission and outreach Sunday at least annually.

  • To secure and distribute information, brochures, tracts and other suitable materials regarding the Christian faith, congregation and parochial school.

  • To organize lay greeters for worship services.

  • To follow-up on congregational visitors and others seeking a church home.

  • To coordinate assistance for the needy with the local agencies.

Article XXXI – Duties of the Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of at least three members.

            The members of the membership committee shall serve for a term of three years, so arranged that the term of no more than half of the committee members expire in a given year.            The Membership Committee will elect a chairman from amongst themselves. This committee is responsible to report to the Church Council annually.

            The duties of the Membership Committee shall be as follows:

  • To invite and urge all communicate members of the congregation who have attained the age of eighteen years to become voting members of the congregation.

  • To invite andurge all communicant members who have joined the congregation by transfer, profession of faith or confirmation, and who are eighteen years of age and over, to become voting members of the congregation.

  • To invite and urge voters who are negligent in their attendance at Voters’ Meetings to revive their interest and to attend the same very conscientiously.

  • To keep copies of the Constitution and shall distribute them to prospective members.

  • To designate one member of the committee to serve on the nominating committee.

  • To review and update the list of eligible voters annually, and keep an accurate attendance record of voting members attending Voters’ Meetings

  • To recommend candidates who desire voting membership to the Voters’ Assembly.

Article XXXII – Duties of the Auditor

The Auditor shall be elected for a term of three years. There is no term limit for the Auditor.

            It shall be the duty of the Auditor to see that the financial books of the congregation are audited by an independent accounting firm at the end of the year and to report thereon to the voters at the beginning of the New Year. The auditor shall however, have the authority to examine the books at any time during the course of the year and report his findings to the Church Council.

Article XXXIII – Duties of the Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee shall consist of at least four members.

The members of the committee shall serve for a term of two years, so arranged that the terms of no more than half of the number of the Cemetery Committee expire in a given year.

There is no term limit for the Cemetery Committee members.

The duties of the Cemetery Committee shall be as follows:Provide for the maintenance of the cemeteries owned by the congregation.

  • Supervise the burials made in these cemeteries.

  • Prudently invest any surplus funds which may be entrusted to it.

Article XXXIV – Duties of the Board of Endowment Funds

The Board of Endowment Funds shall consist of at least five members.

The members of the Board shall serve for a term of five years, so arranged that the term of only one member of the Board of Endowment Funds expire in a given year. The term limit is one five year term. A person may be re-elected to serve on the Board of Endowment Funds after being off of the Board of Endowment Funds for a period of one year.

At least annually, before the Council meeting prior to the October Voter’s Meeting, the Board of Endowment Funds shall meet to determine if any funds are available and/or recommended for use by the congregation.

The Board of Endowment Funds will elect a chairman and secretary from amongst themselves. The chairman shall represent or appoint a representative to attend Church Council Meetings.

The Chairman of the Board of Endowment Funds may ask other members of the congregation to serve as advisory members.

The Board of Endowment Funds shall abide by and conform to the Endowment Fund Bylaws approved by this Voters Assembly.

Article XXXV – Duties of Ushers

The Committee of shall consist of at least 6 team leaders. Each team leader is responsible for assuring the duties of usher are completed for each service.

            The members if this committee shall serve for a term of two years, so arranged that the terms of no more than half of the number of ushers expire in a given year.

            The Committee of Ushers shall meet annually to elect a chairman of the Ushers.

            The Committee of Ushers shall be empowered to select assistant ushers, provided those who are selected are communicant members of the congregation in good standing. Such assistant ushers shall function only when requested to do so by the regularly elected Committee of Ushers.

            The duties of the Ushers are to:

  • Arrive 20 minutes prior to the service to assist seating the people in public worship.

  • Distribute worship resources as necessary.

  • Be especially sensitive that guests and visitors are made to feel at home in our midst.

  • Keep an accurate account of the number of worshipers in each service.

Article XXXVI – Duties of the Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Association Board Member

There shall be one Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Association Board Member elected from our congregation.

The members of this board shall serve for a term of one year. New members of the board will begin their terms at the Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Association Board Meeting in July so that all new members of the board start at the same time. There is no term limit for this board member.

The duties of the Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School Association Board Members shall be as follows:

  • Represent the congregation in setting policy for Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School.

  • Serve as liaison between Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School and the congregation.

  • Report to the congregation at least annually.

  • Fulfill or facilitate any function that is needed by Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School in the congregation.

Article XXXVII – Congregational Meetings

Section 1 – Regular Congregational Meetings

The congregation shall hold regular Voter’s Meetings at least every three months.

Such meetings shall be duly announced at all worship services at least eight days previous to the meeting date. When a regular meeting has thus been announced either by voice or in print, it shall be a valid and legal meeting, capable of transacting business, provided that a quorum is in attendance. (See Article XXXVIII of this Constitution)

Section 2 – Special Congregational Meetings

When necessary, special meetings of the congregation may be called. Such meetings may be called by written notice to all members by the secretary of the congregation or by at least one public announcement at all of the weekend services from the lectern. All calls for special meetings of the congregation shall state the specific objective of such meeting, and no other business shall be considered or transacted at any such meeting without the consent of the majority of those members present. A special meeting is a valid and legal meeting.

Article XXXVIII – Quorum

The quorum for any meeting, except for the buying or selling of real property or the calling of all workers, shall be those members present. The quorum for buying or selling of real property or the calling or releasing / dismissing of called workers shall be 25% of the voting membership.

Article XXXIX – Duties of Voters

It shall be the duty of every voting member:

  • To attend the voters’ meetings of this congregation. (Eliminate the following bold type) Voting members shall at all times, and especially in the voters meetings of the congregation,

  • To conduct themselves in a God-pleasing and Christian manner.

  • To yield in all matters which do not offend against the Word of God and the confessional writings mentioned in Article II of this Constitution if a majority vote has decided an issue.

  • If properly nominated and elected to an office or committee of this congregation according to the stipulation set down in Articles VII and XIX of this constitution, to accept said position, unless before God he has a valid excuse for declining. Such a valid excuse should be presented to the nominating committee before the ballot is approved by the Voters Assembly at the July meeting.

    A member who does not attend, or who leaves a voter’s meeting before adjournment, waives the right of casting his vote during such meeting.

Article XL – Majority Vote

In matters of doctrine and conscience, unanimity shall be required for a final decision. In all matters which do not offend against the Word of God and the confessional writings mentioned in Article III of this Constitution, the majority vote shall decide.

Article XLI – Order of Business

The order of business shall, as a rule, be as follows:

  1. Opening Devotions

  2. Reading of Minutes

  3. Reading of Correspondence

  4. Roll Call (may be done by registration)

  5. Reception of New Members

  6. Report of Treasurer

  7. Reports of Various Boards listed in Article XVII, Section 2 of this Constitution.

  8. Reports of Various Committees listed in Article XVII, Section 2 of this Constitution.

  9. Reports of Special Boards and Committees

  10. Unfinished Business

  11. New Business

  12. < >

    Adjournment with Prayer

Article XLII – Subsidiary Organizations

Subsidiary organizations shall be understood as such organizations within the congregation which foster one or more objectives of this congregation, such as Ladies Aid, LWML, Fellowship Club, Youth Group, etc…

            The congregation assumes moral and legal obligations of such subsidiary organizations only as have been approved by the congregation and whose acts are not contrary to the Constitution (and By-Laws or Solemn Agreements) of this congregation.

            New subsidiary organizations shall be formed only with the approval of the congregation. The congregation shall not approve any organization unless its activities foster the interest of the church.

            Elective offices of subsidiary organizations shall be filled only by communicant members in good standing of the congregation.

            Should any subsidiary organization disband or fail to function, the congregation shall assume its liabilities and resources.

            When called upon to do so, the subsidiary organizations of the congregation shall make a detailed report of their activities and of their financial standing to the Voters’ Assembly.

Article XLIII – Unalterable Articles

The following Articles of this Constitution shall be unalterable:

  • III – The Confessional Standard

  • V – Congregational Membership

  • VIII – Obligation and Duties of Members

  • IX – Excommunication and Withdrawal from the congregation

  • XII – Title of Property in Case of Separation

  • XIII – Congregational Power and Authority

  • XIV – Duties of Pastors and Teachers

  • XV – Election of Pastors and Teachers

  • XVIII – Authority of Officers and Committee Members

  • XLIII – Unalterable Articles

Article XLIV – Amendments

Amendments to the Articles of this Constitution which are not specified as unalterable in Article XLIII can be made only in a regular meeting of the congregation by a two-thirds majority vote of those present. Such an amendment must have been submitted in written form and read in a previous regular meeting.

