Guests are always welcome and invited to attend the meetings of Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid
President....................Myrt Oexeman, 327-8616
Vice President..............Bernice Snead, 327-3547
Secretaty......................Melba Thompson, 327-9887
Treasurer.....................Dorothy Wagner, 327-4453
Condolence...................Dorothy Harre, 327-3131
...................Lorene Haertling, 327-8427
...................Bernice Snead, 327-3547
...................Kathy Heggemeier, 327-8285
Auditing ...................Dorothy Harre, 327-3131
.................. Lorene Haertling, 327-8427
Quilting ..................Dorothy Harre, 327-3131
Membership.................Louise Dinkelman, 327-8892
.................Dorothy Doehring 327-4100
January, February and March 2016-NO MEETINGS
April 7, 2016, 1:30pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Music by TSJ Students
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box, Auditing Report
Serving: Melba Thompson
May 5, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Pastor Sean Smith
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Lorene Haertling
June 2, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Pastor Kotila
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Kathy Heggemeier
July 7, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Lois Schorfheide
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Pizza Party
August 4, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Skit
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Dairy Queen Treats
September 1, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Speaker
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Krista Koch
October 6, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Lorene Haertling
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Dorothy Wagner
November 3, 2016, 1:30 pm - Quilting Room
Topic: Pastor Kotila
Activities: Quilting, Condolence, Food Pantry, Birthday Box
Serving: Executive Board
Trinity Lutheran Willing Helpers Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid met on May 5, 2016 in the quilting room.
The Vice-President welcomed 6 members and 2 guests. Pastor Kotila had the devotions on “Jesus telling his Disciples to go into the world and proclaim the Gospel baptizing in his name”.
The New President introduced Julie Borrenphol of Okawville. She talked to us about possibly starting a Parish Nurse Program and she talked about Cancer Companions. Support for cancer patients and their families.
Vice President called the meeting to order.
The Secretary read the minutes. They were approved as read.
The Treasurer read the report and it was filed for audit.
Correspondence was read.
Quilting report was read, one quilt is finished and another one is in.
Condolence report was read. Lunch was served for 2 funerals. Mary Ann Suedmeyer and Virgil May.
Lorene Haertling was thanked for serving.
We were reminded of the food pantry and the birthday box.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.
Trinity Lutheran Willing Helpers Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid met on June 2, 2016 in the quilting room.
The Vice-President welcomed 6 members and 1 guest to the meeting.
Pastor Smith had the Topic. We discussed the Thursday devotion from the pamphlet “Around the word devotions”. It was Luke 12:13-21, “Laying up in Spiritual Barns”. Pastor Smith writes for this devotion publication.
President called the meeting to order.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer read the report and it was filed for audit.
Condolence report was read. 50 guests were served at the luncheon for Virgil Hoelscher on May 31st.
New business: A motion was made and seconded to donate to the VBS.
The ladies discussed several items needed for the Fellowship Hall.
A motion was made and seconded to purchase another large trash container, a step stool and new mop heads or mops.
We closed the meeting reciting John 3:16 in unison.
Melba Thompson